Saturday, July 16, 2011

1st Blog Post, Test, & HP7B Thoughts

Hello blogger world. I have just linked my google account on facebook and so I am hoping this post will show up on facebook. I am also hoping it shows up on google plus since google owners blogger.  So, this is a test to see if both of those happen and if so it will solve the dilemma of having to post in both except for when I am tagging my location.

Also wanted to post about the movie I just seen which is part 2 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I thought it was one of the better movies of the summer, if not the best one I have seen so far. There are certain things you can nitpick about how certain characters go out and also about character development, but it is a pretty solid movie. I believe they also should have done a quick recap of the previous movie to get people who have either not seen part 1 or who have forgot about it up to speed. The movie get a solid 8/10 from me.

What are your thoughts on the movie?

1 comment:

  1. The test did not go as planned and it was not shared onto either FB or G+, but I figured out how to auto-share on FB with the Notes option. And maybe there is not a way to auto-share on G+ yet since it is still in beta.
